Sunday, September 23, 2012

Spanish Fork Dominates

The lights shined bright this past Friday night as Spanish Fork hosted Carbon for their homecoming contest. I use the term contest loosely because the game did not stay competitive for very long. Spanish Fork jumped out to quick 12-0 lead and never looked back.

I don't know how Utah decides what schools are what class but it was very clear to me that Carbon was in over there head. They have a couple of solid athletes, number 13 and 7 had some solid plays, but those two were running for the life all night long.

The game was out of hand by half time with the score 33-0.

 Shortly into the second half the back-ups entered the game for the duration but they were still able to run all over the field and dominate the line of scrimmage on both sides of the ball.


This dominance was displayed throughout the second half concluding the game with this scoring drive and a 56-0 victory.



Player of the game: In games like this there isn't really a play that swings the momentum and no one players contribution is irreplaceable. That being said I give the player of the game award to Spanish Fork's athletic director for scheduling Carbon for homecoming.

Random Thoughts: The common practice of scheduling "cupcakes" for homecoming is interesting to me. I get that you want to have a win before the big dance and making sure returning alumni go home happy, but 56-0 game is boring. I am not saying to schedule the state powerhouse and hope for a huge upset or even your schools arch rival, losing to them would be a huge downer for all of the home crowd, but why not schedule somebody who will at least make you keep your starters in the game. Coaches know the games on there schedule that are games they "should" win pick one of those and have a way more interesting game.... Speaking of blow out wins. I feel for Carbon. 56-0 is disheartening and the players are kids for crying out loud. On the other hand I don't know what else Spanish Fork could have done. They put in the back ups and they still scored.... I really hope the game I go to this week is more competitive. Any suggestions would be welcome. Thanks for reading.

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