Monday, October 8, 2012

Two Returns Too Much for JUAB

The Payson Lions came out with a roar on Friday night returning the opening kickoff for a score. They then intercepted JUAB and scored for the second time on a short field. It looked a route in the making when the Lions scored on this touchdown pass to go up 20-0 with less then ten minutes off the game clock.

This is when JUAB showed that it was a team of great character as it marched down the field and scored. They added a two point conversion to cut the lead to 20-8. The JUAB defense tightened up at this point but was still victimized by a long pass play that would set up the final scoring play of the first half.

Payson looked to add more points before the half but JUAB came up with an interception to keep the score 27-8 at the half.

A 19 point deficit is what faced the Wasps as they took the field in the second half. They continued to grind out tough yards on the ground when they hit pay dirt from 6 yards out.

They failed on their two point attempt, leaving the score at 27-14. That score didn't last long though because the Lions returned the ensuing Kickoff for another touchdown, recapturing a 20 point lead after the PAT.

When the 4th quarter rolled around it seemed as though Payson had the game put away 34-14 but the fireworks were just beginning.

Showing a great amount of guts and determination the Wasps drove down the field and scored on a long pass, making the score 34-20.

Payson responded with a score of its own to make it 41-20 ball game. So for the third time JUAB trailed by 20 points. There was not an ounce of quit in the Wasps though as they bullied down the field and punched it in from a yard out.

Trailing 41-27 the Wasps then recovered the onside kick and scored another touchdown and added a 2 point conversion.

Payson found itself in a dog fight, three times up by 20 points now only up 41-36. The Lions pulled it together and managed to score once again jumping ahead 47-36. The only problem is the left too much time on the clock for the never say die Wasps. (Sadly at this point the batteries in my camera had died.) JUAB pulled out all the stops and tried some trickeration. A double pass worked for another 4th quarter touchdown. They again succeeded on the two point attempt and the game was 47-44. With a little under 3 minutes remaining and all 3 timeouts JUAB kicked it deep depending on their defense to hold. It did. The Wasps got the ball with about 2 minutes left and drove into Lion territory. This is were the improbable come back was stopped when a Lions safety intercepted a pass allowing Payson to finally run out the clock. (I feel the corner back on the play got away with some serious holding, but alas my camera was dead no video proof.) Final score Payson 47, JUAB 44

Honorable mention for player of the game: The referees. I'm not saying they gave this game to one team or took from another but there were way too many flags in this game when there shouldn't have been and not enough when there should. I can recall at least 5 personal fouls called. 3 against JUAB in one drive that aided the Lions to a touchdown. And 2 against the Lions in one drive which helped the Wasps to a score. Defensive holding and illegal contact were never called against Payson and they took advantage of this through out roughing up JUAB receivers. Meanwhile JUAB offensive lineman were pretty grabby but few calls were made. This game was incredible to watch but would have been even better with a better set of refs.

Play of the Game: Either Payson kick return for a touchdown. Given how well the Wasps defense played when Payson was forced to travel the entire distance of the field and that the game was decided by 3 points; it had to be these plays. You take one of them away you could safely assume JUAB would have been able to complete the comeback when they scored 30 fourth quarter points. I would lean toward the first as I feel the Lions rode that momentum to the quick 20 point lead which they barely held on to.

Player of the game: Devan Judd, QB, Payson Lions.

The kid threw 4 touchdown passes. I don't know what else to say really. He made plays when they really needed them allowing his team to hold on for a much needed win.

Random thoughts: I know most of the kids wearing pink gear are doing it because there favorite pro does, but at least we know some of that money is going to a great cause.... I liked how much music Payson played over the loud speakers at the game, but they need a greater variety. One can only listen to Gangnam Style so many times.... Speaking of Gangnam Syle if I were Payson's coach I would ban it from games from now on. Several times his players broke out into the signature dance. I feel it lead to a loss of focus which may, or may not, have lead to a massive let down that almost cost them the game. If I were in his shoes no more dancing on the sideline no matter how many points we are winning by.... With that being said I am not the coach and it was freaking hilarious to watch these kids dance on the sideline so here are some videos for your viewing enjoyment.


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