Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Black Knights Triumph in Snowy Championship

The night of November 9th brought heavy snow and a cold morning on the 10th did nothing to relieve the playing field of a think blanket of the white stuff. Both teams braved the elements for the chance to be the Fall 2012 UTFL champions, but only one could leave with that title.

The cold and wet conditions made getting traction and keeping possession a very difficult task. Both offenses sputtered while the defenses controlled the game. Slowly the field position battle went in favor of the Knights allowing them to break the 0-0 tie and take the lead.

The Black Knights defense got more aggressive with the lead bringing constant pressure and breaking up BYU passes left and right. The Cougars inability to move the ball kept the Black Knights in good field position giving them a chance to lengthen their lead.

BYU found themselves trailing 13-0 and needing a score. The Knight pass rush and the elements proved too much for the passing style offense run by the Cougars. The Knights scored once more to take an 18-0 lead. Time ran out and the Black Knights were crowned the kings of the UTFL completing an 8-0 season.

More photos are available on our Facebook page.

Check out highlights from this and other games on our YouTube page.

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