Wednesday, September 19, 2012

BYU 9-Man Football club Vs. Utah Warriors

This past Saturday was the first week of the fall football season for the UTFL, Utah Tackle Football League. This is my second season playing in the league. I played last spring for the Ibex. That's right there is spring ball too.

This season I am playing with the BYU 9-man club team. That is me in the Orange helmet, don't worry I will have a black one this week. Our first game was against the Utah Warriors. I don't know if they are affiliated with the University of Utah or not.

The first half saw some jitters and our inexperience showed through. We have two guys on the team that have never played before and I am the only player that has played offensive line before. I however have never played center before witch is the position I am playing. We drove down early but were stop on a goal line stand. We scored a safety when the opposing QB committed intentional
grounding in his own end zone. They scored a TD however and it was 7-2 at the half.

The second half saw our offense come alive. We scored a touchdown early to take a 8-7 lead. The Warriors answered scoring another TD through the air and added a two point conversion to take a 15-8 lead. This is when we showed our metal and drove methodically down to field to score again with only 1:30 left in the game. We converted on the two point conversion taking a 16-15 lead.

Sadly for us the Warriors proved themselves again scoring a TD as time expired to win 21-16.

This game has me really excited for the season. Last spring the team I was on was not very good but we have tremendous speed and talented skill position players.

We are still looking for some more players, especially lineman, if you are interested let me know here. I am working on facebook and youtube pages for this team and remember to follow me on twitter @bigward77.

I will be doing a blog soon on the UTFL but for now check out their website Thanks for reading.

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